Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'd like to extend a special thanks to the 6th (AC) and 7th grades today for their focus and energy in rehearsal. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of music we were able to play and the levels of musicianship that the students in these classes achieved.

The biggest news to me came during the 7th grade rehearsal when students told me they actually liked the Harvest Song. I was under the impression that students liked this one least, and I was considering taking it off our winter concert program. Sight-reading in the Allegro section was significantly better than it had been a few weeks ago, and I'm excited to see how much fun we can have with this folk song suite!

In 6th grade rehearsal, we focused on shorter sections of Carmen, Carmela, plucking new rhythms and air-bowing new material. The practice assignment is drawn from the syncopated section that we worked on in class. I'm glad that sixth graders are becoming more friendly and getting to know their stand partners, but we still have a lot of work to do in the next couple months. Try to listen carefully, play only what -- and when -- I ask, and relax when I give you time to relax!
We finished a few minutes before the bell today, and I'll be happy to give you time to talk and pack up at the end as a reward for meaningful rehearsal time.

Again, thank you all for a good day of rehearsals.