Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scale Worksheet #1

Scale worksheets were passed out during the last class. Scale Worksheet #1 tests knowledge of 4 familiar scales: C, G, D, and A major.

For each scale, students should do the following:
  • Write the names of the notes in the scale. These letters (and accidentals, in many cases) can be found on the Major Scale Sheet that we use in class and lessons.
  • Notate the key signature on the staff the way you would see it in music (with sharps, #, or flats, b,)
  • Create a fingering chart using the bubbles. Remember that each bubble represents a half step. You may use your worksheets 1-4 from class, any Essential Elements or Strictly Strings fingering charts, or other resources you desire.

7th grade Scale Worksheet #1 is due 2/25

8th grade Scale Worksheet #1 is due 2/24