A reminder about Practice Logs:
6th Grade logs are due on March 2nd and 3rd. We wrote goals by saying "i will..." Our goals look like this:
Goal #1
Play m _(4 measures only)_ in Winds on Big Hill _(3 or more)_ times with quarter note = 60-70
Goal #2
Goal #2
Chant rhythms in m__(4 measures only)__ in Gaston _(3 or more)_ times in a row.
Goal #3
Goal #3
Perform _(an exercise or small section)_ from my (school/private) lessons for my __(family member)__.
Goal #4
Goal #4
Work on __(intonation, bowing, notes, etc)_____.
7th Grade practice logs are due Thursday, March 4th.
8th Grade practice logs are due Tuesday, March 2nd.
Remember, get a parent signature daily!