All scale sheets from all grades have been collected. I grade each scale that was assigned, and I will return the sheets during our next class period. Hold on to your sheet! I will be assigning the remaining scales over the next couple of months. As a reminder, homework that is not with you during class cannot be handed in on time. I do not give credit for late homework!
Eighth and 6th graders that I saw today received music to practice at home. Eighth grade students were assigned measures 1-33 in Gauntlet, to be played individually or in small groups during the next class. Sixth graders received a packet containing: Carmen, Carmela, Miniature Symphony, and Pictures at an Exhibition. Violin packets were created with constructive seating techniques in mind, and 6th grade violinists know that they will be playing first violin for some pieces and second violin for others. Seating will continue to rotate within these categories.
Put your name on your practice part, and bring your practice part to class each day! We will be adding fingerings, bowings, dynamics, and other reminders that are important both for school rehearsal and home practice.
Finally, the grace period for forgotten instruments has ended. So far, the 6th grade has taken the lead in terms of remembering to bring their instruments to class -- congratulations, and keep up the good work!
Here are some suggestions for remembering your instrument:
-Every Sunday night, label the days of the week that you have orchestra and lessons in your A-Pad.
-Keep your instrument in a place that you'll see it every morning. I keep mine right by my door!
-Make a "reminder buddy." This is someone in orchestra that you'll talk to every day because it will be your job to remind them to bring their instrument (and they'll remind you, just in case).