Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 11, 2009

Today was our first orchestra rehearsal. Thank you to all the students who remembered to bring their instruments to class! I am impressed with all the 6th and 7th graders who remembered to check the seating chart for their name and found their correct place.

I collected the information sheets and signed yellow letters. Continue to submit these homework assignments as you complete them. Homework is due at the next class meeting unless otherwise noted. I'm having a great time reading about you, your interests, and your expectations for orchestra!

We began by playing a G Major Scale, one octave, in unison. The G Major Scale, as all Major Scales, follows this pattern:

Whole – Whole – Half – Whole – Whole – Whole - Half

Thus, the G Major Scale uses these notes: G A B C D E F# G

Ideally, this is how scale homework should be completed: play the scale, say the notes, fill in the chart. Scales are a very important part of practicing because all of the pieces that we will play this year are based on scales. The written homework should take no more than 5 minutes to complete, but in many cases it will take less than 1 minute. If written homework is taking more than 5 minutes, please come talk to me so that we can clear up any confusion.

In the 6th Grade, we sight-read parts of Clog Dance. Clog Dance is based on the D Major Scale.

Homework for 6th Grade: Fill in the lines of the Major Scale chart that correspond to the G Major Scale and the D Major Scale.
Be sure to include any accidentals (sharps, flats) that are included in the key signature. This will be collected on Tuesday at the start of class.

In the 7th Grade, we began sight-reading an arrangement of Czech folk songs. We will continue to sight-read from this arrangement during our next class meeting.

Homework for 7th Grade: Fill in the lines of the Major Scale chart that correspond to the G Major Scale, D Major Scale, and C Major Scale. Be sure to include any accidentals (sharps, flats) that are included in the key signature. This will be collected on Tuesday at the start of class.

Announcement for 7th Grade: I am missing a Violin Stand 4 folder. If you took it home by mistake, please bring it to me Monday morning. Folders contain original copies of music and should be left on the stand at the end of class. I will provide practice copies of music once we have decided on a program.

Schedule for next rehearsal:

Check the seating chart. Find your name and take your seat. It is important that you sit in the correct SECTION and on the correct STAND NUMBER. We did such a good job with this, let's do it again!

Unpack your instrument (remember to rosin your bow!), and come to get tuned.

When you are tuned, return to your seat. Take out your homework so that it can be collected, and have a pencil ready.