Soon, we will begin setting class goals for individual rehearsals, weeks, months, and concerts. It is important to set meaningful class goals, and we can do this by setting personal goals for ourselves. What kinds of things do you hope to accomplish this week? This month? This year? How will you know you accomplished these goals? What is your reward for accomplishing your goals?
Here's an example of a personal set of goals that a 6th grade student may have:
Daily Goals:
1. Practice my violin/viola/cello/bass every day (and on weekends!), even if only for 15 minutes.
2. Remember to bring my violin/viola, lesson book, homework/practice parts to class each day.
Check for Accomplishment: Having a filled Practice Chart/Log; Playing in orchestra and lessons on your own instrument, with your own books.
Weekly Goals:
1. Learn the key signature (how many sharps or flats) to one of the scales I have learned to play. Use this key signature to practice that scale.
2. Attend my weekly lesson on time, ready to play!
Check for Accomplishment: When the teacher asks about key signatures, you can raise your hand for the answer and know you've got it right even if you're not called on.
Monthly Goal:
1. Feel confident playing one entire piece for the concert. Confidence comes from personal practice and focus in class.
Check for Accomplishment: Play a piece for your parents, a friend, a sibling, or a pet. Make it like a real performance where they can practice being respectful audience members!
What types of goals can we set as an orchestra?
Chamber Strings Auditions have begun! Sign up for an audition time (even if you have handed in a Chamber Strings Audition Form) outside of the orchestra room. Auditions take place after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of this week and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday of next week. The last auditions will finish before 4:05 so that you can take the Activity Bus home.
(Are you a 6th grader who has never taken the Activity Bus before? Stay after school tomorrow for the 6th Grade Ice Cream Social where you can eat ice cream with your friends and then learn to take the Activity Bus!)
Most lesson groups have been given assignments from the Essential Elements 2000 book 2. Make sure you bring this, or whatever book was assigned, to lessons each week.
I'm missing music for the very first stand of viola in the 6th grade. Original copies went missing after rehearsal today (6th grade AC), and it is very important that I get them back. The folder was left, and I fear that the originals are now also unprotected. As a reminder, folders and original copies should never go home. If you did not receive practice parts or if you have lost your practice parts, come talk to me. Original parts must be used in performance and festivals and can cost up to $4 per part, per piece.
Did someone take home the wrong instrument by mistake? A student is missing a 1/2-size violin which disappeared sometime between Thursday night and Friday afternoon. It is in a standard black plastic case (shaped), with no tag. There were two pens in the case. If you took home this instrument in error, please bring it in so that we can find your instrument and return the other to its owner.
Practice AssignmentsAnnouncements
Chamber Strings Auditions have begun! Sign up for an audition time (even if you have handed in a Chamber Strings Audition Form) outside of the orchestra room. Auditions take place after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of this week and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday of next week. The last auditions will finish before 4:05 so that you can take the Activity Bus home.
(Are you a 6th grader who has never taken the Activity Bus before? Stay after school tomorrow for the 6th Grade Ice Cream Social where you can eat ice cream with your friends and then learn to take the Activity Bus!)
Most lesson groups have been given assignments from the Essential Elements 2000 book 2. Make sure you bring this, or whatever book was assigned, to lessons each week.
I'm missing music for the very first stand of viola in the 6th grade. Original copies went missing after rehearsal today (6th grade AC), and it is very important that I get them back. The folder was left, and I fear that the originals are now also unprotected. As a reminder, folders and original copies should never go home. If you did not receive practice parts or if you have lost your practice parts, come talk to me. Original parts must be used in performance and festivals and can cost up to $4 per part, per piece.
Did someone take home the wrong instrument by mistake? A student is missing a 1/2-size violin which disappeared sometime between Thursday night and Friday afternoon. It is in a standard black plastic case (shaped), with no tag. There were two pens in the case. If you took home this instrument in error, please bring it in so that we can find your instrument and return the other to its owner.
6th Grade
Carmen, Carmela measures 1-28
Pictures at an Exhibition measures 14-26
Miniature Symphony III. Minute Minuet measures 1-14
7th Grade
Violin Variations on a Ground measures 33-41
Viola & Cello Fantasia on Amazing Grace measures 51-72
Bass Variations on a Ground measures 57-end
Everyone Saturday at the Symphony measures 66-end
8th Grade
Violin & Viola Mambo Incognito measures 17-25; Dramatic Essay beginning - measures 9
Cello Cellos Ole! measures 7-15; Mambo Incognito measures 25-37