Review the dates for dress rehearsals, concerts, and sectionals and mark the times in your A-pads. Please also know the name of your stand partner and the approximate stand number prior to your arrival at the dress rehearsal. All dress rehearsals will be held onstage. Sectionals will be held in the orchestra room.
Bring your own copy of the music to all dress rehearsals and sectionals!!
Cellists and 6th Grade Bassists: due to the limited number of instruments available in our classroom, please make arrangements to bring your instrument from home on the day of your assigned dress rehearsal.
Bring your own copy of the music to all dress rehearsals and sectionals!!
Cellists and 6th Grade Bassists: due to the limited number of instruments available in our classroom, please make arrangements to bring your instrument from home on the day of your assigned dress rehearsal.
Monday, April 12, 2010
2:00-2:40pm: 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Dress Rehearsal on Stage
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
8:50-9:30am: 6th Grade Orchestra Dress Rehearsal on Stage
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
9:30-10:10: 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Dress Rehearsal on Stage
Thursday, April 15, 2010
6:45pm: 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra members arrive
7:30pm: 7th Grade Concert Concert (with combined 7/8 orchestra)
Monday, April 19, 2010 - 1:20pm - 7th/8th Sectional in Orchestra Room
Joe Sipzner, Walter Nyangaga, Gerardo Salazar, Shaddai Henry, Christina Morawski, Elijah Clemente, Naomi Tenenini, Alyson McAuliffe, Arianna Barnum, Katie Randorf, Michelle Yu, Rachel Swyer, Emma Pearson, Rebekah Wolanski, Andrea Long, Jennifer Hoffmann, Cody Ingraham, Sophia Schermerhorn, Curtis Ericson, Thomas Fortune
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - 9:30am - 7th/8th Sectional in Orchestra Room
Ali Gohlke-Schermer, Alicia Chen, Mathilde Warren, Erin Templeton, Pranav Kannan, Jo Ann Mulligan, Carrie Rose Mulligan, Josh Lamb, Sazeed Huq, Kevin Zeng, Amir Rastegar, Natasha Permaul, Laura Chevalier, Karthik Ramesh, Naila Brown, Sarah Byerly, Abigail Kedik, Jacob Rosenberg, Julia Manobianco
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
10:10-10:50am: 6th Grade Orchestra Dress Rehearsal on Stage
6:45pm: 6th Grade Orchestra members arrive
7:30pm: 6th Grade Concert
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 8:50am - 7th/8th Sectional in Orchestra Room
Mary Jean Mulligan, Vivian Dai, Andrew Xu, Gianluca Russo, Kristina Marinopoulos, Markos Abebe, Alana Zervos, Maddy Farry, Amy Toscano, Nihaal Pabba, Michael Trichilo, Elise Burby, Heather Krofft, Julia Chong, Hannah Hernandez, Sydney Campbell, Rose Leicht, Emily Gunther
April 23, 2010
12:50pm 7th & 8th Grade NYSSMA Majors Evaluation Festival