Information regarding the final exam was distributed in classes this week. The following post just reiterates what was announced in class.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Final Exam Information
Information regarding the final exam was distributed in classes this week. The following post just reiterates what was announced in class.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Orchestra Update
Monday, April 26, 2010
Final Exam Information
1. Scales
2. Excerpts
3. Solos
All information, including requirements, procedures, and grading rubrics can be found on the handout they received. That information will be posted online later this week. Students should take some time this week to review the requirements and evaluate what elements of the final exam have already been mastered.
Chamber Strings
In Dance of Iscariot, we touched upon a number of items:
1. Dotted/Accented eighth notes as seen in the 2nd violin and viola parts: Play these as low in the bow as you can get! Right next to the frog, with a slight bounce. To play in this location for any length of time in a consistent tempo is tiring. Only diligent practice with a mirror and a metronome will develop the muscles needed to maintain this character.
2. Accidentals between m56 and 76 in 2nd violin and viola parts and how to achieve them: We wrote in 2 sets of fingerings in these sections. The first stays in what we call "half" position because we set our fingers behind the tapes that they usually fall on. When we play this passage in half position, we can hit all the notes, but it makes for awkward string crossings. Instead, I highly recommend that the 3rd position fingerings be used (shifting to 2nd finger on the A# in m63 and staying in 3rd position until beat 4 of measure 65).
3. Accelerando in m84 for violins: We only have 1 measure to get to our Presto tempo at m85. As much as I'd like to be consistent, accelerandos have potential to be different every time. Practice pushing the tempo faster at varying degrees so that you will be comfortable no matter what happens.
4. Presto section: mark in your part how many repeated measures you have. Violin 1 plays the B-A-B-A-B-A-B-A figure for 8 measures (or 7 measures with the 8th measure accented). Violin 2 plays G-F#-G-F#-G-F#-G-F# for 4 measures before switching to the double-stopped section. Viola also has 4 measures before you change.
Rachel Swyer
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Lessons for Last week of April
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I am very proud of all the students who participated in the NYSSMA Solo Festival this weekend in Ravena. I could not have asked for a better representation of our string program! The solo and small ensemble performances by Farnsworth orchestra students could not have been possible without the significant focus, determination, and preparation that you showed. I hope you are all very very proud of yourselves!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hiawatha 7
Please contact me this week if you are a member of this team and will be on the field trip on Tuesday, April 20th. We have a sectional from 9:30-10:10 that day, and I want to make sure that everyone who is scheduled at that time will be able to attend.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Chamber Strings
The bulk of today's work was from Dance of Iscariot. We began with m38-52 and addressed the huge amount of notation found in the parts (such as: articulation, dynamics, and bowing). Each element of notation contributes to another and makes the general intention of the musical phrase more meaningful and easier to accomplish. Do your best not to become overwhelmed by everything you see on the page. Break it down using this process:
- Rhythm Be able to chant all rhythms while keeping a steady beat. The rhythms in Dance of Iscariot are not challenging, but they may become confusing when heard with other parts.
- Notes Check out any accidentals that occur. They are not outrageous or irregular, but they are accidentals! Once all notes have been learned, stick 'em alongside your rhythm chanting. Chant and pluck, chant and bow.
- Bowings & Articulations Bow direction concerns are not usually my next recommended step, but they are important for steps to come. Use the breath markings as reminders to lift your bow and control direction. Those down bows should be taken at the frog to avoid any unpleasant sounds. Watch for accents, dots, and other articulation indicators and remember what we discussed about bow location.
- Dynamics Once you've figured out the bowings and articulations, you can start putting them to use. Dynamics are what this passage is all about, and the bowings and articulations serve the greater dynamic purpose. Be careful of the subito changes!
Backing up, we skimmed m29-38. This piece is all about character and atmosphere and ideas, and this is a great passage to think about. Upper strings, while not necessarily playing melody, should be sneaky and smooth. Continue to use broad strokes in the middle of your bow, but release pressure to keep the volume low. Cellos continue the short, half step motive with a sinister sound.
Aaaand then we get to the fugual section! Entrances are broken down like this:
We ended with a bit of "B" Suite for Strings, of which we will only play I. Be-Boppin' Bourree. Cellos, for now, take the dots off those notes. We will do a lot more work on feeling the microbeats so as to keep a steadier pulse. In the meantime, practice without dots and with metronomes so that we can later establish a feeling of carefree, relaxed lightness in that opening.
- Slurred half steps: slide! gliss between notes! jazz it up!
- Practice taking different endings and repeating
- Use the bowings to help with those picky dynamics!
Joe Sipzner
We're sorry we missed:
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Limited number of NYSSMA Lessons Available!
If you do not already have a NYSSMA lesson scheduled for this week and would like one, come see me during homeroom tomorrow to take one of these available times:
Monday 4/12 AC
Wednesday 4/14 AC
NYSSMA Solo Festival - Times & Information
ID:30 Zone:7
Address: Route 9W Ravena, NY 12143
4/16/10 & 4/17/10
No photocopies are allowed at the NYSSMA festival. I have highly encouraged students to memorize their solo pieces so as evidence for full preparation. If you are still experiencing difficulty with your memorization, please discuss your concerns with me and/or contact John Keal Music to order additional copies of the original music.
Barnum, Arianna: Saturday 12:20pm Room S4
Burmistrova, Michelle: Saturday 2:15pm Room S2
Chen, Alicia: Saturday 11:05am Room S4
Darby, Matthew: Saturday 10:15am Room S2
Dong, Bill: Saturday 11:20am Room S4
Gonick, Kathryn: Saturday 10:20am Room S5
Krieg, Matthew: Friday 7:00pm Room S2
Lake, Alana: Saturday 1:55pm Room S2
Long, Gretchen & Andrea: Saturday 11:30am Room S5
Mulligan, Carrie Rose: Friday 7:10pm Room S4
Mulligan, Jo Ann: Friday 7:20pm Room S2
Mulligan, Carrie Rose, Jo Ann, and Mary Jean: Friday 4:35pm Room S4
Mulligan, Mary Jean: Friday 5:45pm Room S2
Pearson, Emma: Saturday 2:40pm Room S3
Rafferty, Catie: Saturday 10:15am Room S3
Russo, Gianluca: Saturday 2:35pm Room S5
Selsley, Alex: Saturday 1:45pm Room S5
Sipzner, Joey: Saturday 10:55am Room S2
Swyer, Rachel: Saturday 2:25pm Room S2
Templeton, Erin: Saturday 10:55am Room S4
Trainor, Aurora & Katie Gonick: Saturday 10:45am Room S2
Wang, William: Saturday 2:30pm Room S4
Yang, Katie: Saturday 10:45am Room S4
Yu, Michelle: Saturday 11:15am Room S2
Directions to Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk High School
Ravena High School is located on Rt. 9W, approximately ½ mile north of the village of Ravena, and approximately 12 - 13 miles south of Albany from exit 23 of the NYS Thruway.
From the north, east, west: Take NYS Thruway to exit 23 (Albany). Bear right onto Rt. 9W south. Travel approximately 12 - 13 miles. The school will be on the right.
From the south: Take NYS Thruway to exit 21B (Coxsackie). Bear right onto Rt. 9W north. Travel approximately 7 - 8 miles, through the village of Ravena. The school will be about ½ mile north of the village, on the left.
There is ample parking on the Ravena campus. Upon entering the campus, the High School is the building to the right.
1) Cars should park in either the large main lot on the left, or in the first lot on the right.
Both of these parking lots are adjacent to Rt. 9W.
2) Busses should park in the huge paved area straight ahead, between the High School (on the right) and the Middle School (to the left).
3) Percussion equipment may be unloaded at the gym entrance, which is closer to the percussion warm up area. Turn at the first right after entering the campus and go straight towards the football field and around to the left behind the building. Look for signs; someone will be there to assist you.
4) ALL PARTICIPANTS SHOULD ENTER AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE HIGH SCHOOL FOR REGISTRATION. (Except percussionists unloading equipment at the gym entrance.)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dress Rehearsal & Sectional Schedules
Bring your own copy of the music to all dress rehearsals and sectionals!!
Cellists and 6th Grade Bassists: due to the limited number of instruments available in our classroom, please make arrangements to bring your instrument from home on the day of your assigned dress rehearsal.
Monday, April 12, 2010
2:00-2:40pm: 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Dress Rehearsal on Stage
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
8:50-9:30am: 6th Grade Orchestra Dress Rehearsal on Stage
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
9:30-10:10: 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Dress Rehearsal on Stage
Thursday, April 15, 2010
6:45pm: 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra members arrive
7:30pm: 7th Grade Concert Concert (with combined 7/8 orchestra)
Monday, April 19, 2010 - 1:20pm - 7th/8th Sectional in Orchestra Room
Joe Sipzner, Walter Nyangaga, Gerardo Salazar, Shaddai Henry, Christina Morawski, Elijah Clemente, Naomi Tenenini, Alyson McAuliffe, Arianna Barnum, Katie Randorf, Michelle Yu, Rachel Swyer, Emma Pearson, Rebekah Wolanski, Andrea Long, Jennifer Hoffmann, Cody Ingraham, Sophia Schermerhorn, Curtis Ericson, Thomas Fortune
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - 9:30am - 7th/8th Sectional in Orchestra Room
Ali Gohlke-Schermer, Alicia Chen, Mathilde Warren, Erin Templeton, Pranav Kannan, Jo Ann Mulligan, Carrie Rose Mulligan, Josh Lamb, Sazeed Huq, Kevin Zeng, Amir Rastegar, Natasha Permaul, Laura Chevalier, Karthik Ramesh, Naila Brown, Sarah Byerly, Abigail Kedik, Jacob Rosenberg, Julia Manobianco
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
10:10-10:50am: 6th Grade Orchestra Dress Rehearsal on Stage
6:45pm: 6th Grade Orchestra members arrive
7:30pm: 6th Grade Concert
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 8:50am - 7th/8th Sectional in Orchestra Room
Mary Jean Mulligan, Vivian Dai, Andrew Xu, Gianluca Russo, Kristina Marinopoulos, Markos Abebe, Alana Zervos, Maddy Farry, Amy Toscano, Nihaal Pabba, Michael Trichilo, Elise Burby, Heather Krofft, Julia Chong, Hannah Hernandez, Sydney Campbell, Rose Leicht, Emily Gunther
April 23, 2010
12:50pm 7th & 8th Grade NYSSMA Majors Evaluation Festival