Sunday, March 21, 2010


Lori R. Hershenhart, District Administrator for Music, GCSD

Farnsworth Middle School, 6072 State Farm Road, Guilderland, NY 12084

(518) 456-6010 ext. 3007 Fax (518) 456-3747

March 22, 2010

Dear Music Parents,

For students who attend the NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble evaluation festivals, there are optional medals available for parent purchase. NYSSMA medals are available for $6 per medal. NYSSMA participation certificates will be distributed to all students who attend.

The bronze NYSSMA medals are individually boxed with ribbons differentiating the level of performance. These medals are available for solo or ensemble performances.

If you wish to purchase a medal for your child, please fill in the form below and return it to your child’s teacher with a check made payable to Farnsworth Middle School by June 4, 2010.

Thank you,

Lori Hershenhart


Order Form

NYSSMA Medals ($6 each)

Checks payable to Farnsworth Middle School


NYSSMA Solo Medal (Red, White & Blue – Levels 1-4) _______

NYSSMA Solo Medal (Gold – Levels 5-6) _______

NYSSMA Ensemble Medal (Red, White & Blue – Levels 1-6) _______


Student Name __________________________

School _______________________________

Teacher ______________________________