Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This year's NYSSMA Solo Festival will be held at Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk High School on Friday and Saturday, April 16th & 17th.

Each year, more than 1,000 students across New York State perform at NYSSMA Solo Festivals. These events, sponsored by the NYS School Music Association, offer an opportunity for our young musicians to perform for a certified adjudicator. For the evaluation, each student performs a selected solo, three scales, and a sight-reading example. The performance is only heard by the adjudicator and encourages our young musicians to strive for their very best performance.

Listed below are guidelines that will help insure a successful experience for our young musicians:

Select music carefully with your teacher.

Purchase original printed copies of the music for the performer and adjudicator. Photocopies are not permissible.

Know your scale requirements:
Level I-II: Any 3 Major Scales
Level III-IV: Any 7 Major Scales
Level V-VI: All 15 Major Scales (to perform 3)

Begin preparing early, and practice playing all the way through the piece.

Perform the piece for friends and relatives to build confidence.

Fees for participation are:
Solos and Ensembles, Levels I-IV $10
Checks can be made payable to Farnsworth Middle School.

Return the registration form to your music teacher as soon as possible. Registration for the Solo Festival closes on February 10th.