Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

As a reminder, the Evacuation Drill is scheduled to occur tomorrow afternoon during 13th mod. Sixth grade students who do not have lessons tomorrow should leave their instruments at home as we will not be playing them in class (6th graders with lessons are only those who have Ms. Norman as a teacher). We will have class during the "Hold in Place," so please arrive on time.

7th Grade
Rhythm testing began in the 7th grade today, and it will continue for the remainder of the week. Tests are administered during orchestra rehearsals, so there should be no concern about missing classes. Please keep in mind that these new types of tests are not in place of regular weekly lessons -- last week's testing was the exception.

Rhythm test procedure:

1. Check the list so that you know approximately who is before you. There should always be one person standing by the door ready to test.
2. Don't bring anything with you (unless you'd like to use your own copy of the rhythm sheet for help with syllables). Leave instruments, music, and writing utensils at your stand.
3. Sign out. You're only going across the hall, but since you're out of the classroom I need a record.
4. Once in Ms. Dame's room, sit in the chair. Do not move chairs, stands, or the tripod. The computer will be on, set to the metronome site.
5. Internalize the macrobeat. You may wish to tap macrobeats in your feet/heels to coordinate with the metronome's macrobeat.
6. Chant and clap your rhythm only once. Don't stop, don't repeat. Make sure to show rests when necessary, speak loudly and clearly, and clap when appropriate.
7. Return directly to the orchestra room -- no bathroom/drink breaks! Sign in and return to class.

I have current grades available for 7th and 8th grade students. The lesson that you attend this week is the last lesson of the marking period and will be an additional 15pts to your cumulative grade (out of 400pts). Practice logs were collected in the 7th grade, also worth 15pts. If you forgot your practice log (or have a log from last week that was not turned in), I will accept it up until Thursday morning.

For students studying privately, this is a reminder that your private lesson logs were due Friday. I will accept late work (including private lesson logs) until Thursday morning.

If you missed your lesson today, be sure to check with me (or someone in your lesson group) if you need a copy of the music we looked at. Next week starts a brand new marking period and a clean slate, so you'll want to be ready to put your best foot forward.

The 7th grade violins are divided in two large sections, each devoted to learning a different group of NYSSMA solos. The assignments were as follows:

Achievement March
Groups: We played from the beginning to measure 9, and then from measure 25 to the end. We will work to memorize measures 25 to the end for the next lesson, remembering to still play the beginning to measure 9.

Groups: We found places in Etude where there are clear G major scale patterns. There are a few different places: can you find/remember them? We will learn the first line for next week, making sure to start with a clear tone and correct posture. Don't let your first fingers become idle as you play the open strings!

6th Grade

Counting tests will begin for sixth graders on Thursday during orchestra. All students should have a copy of the test material as well as a "How to Prepare for Clapping and Counting Tests" sheet. At the start of today's rehearsal we used rhythm flashcards to remind us the proper way to clap and chant/count. These flashcards will later be used in Music Jeopardy, and students are encouraged to review clapping and counting procedures at home during practice time.

Practice logs will soon be due for 6th graders. This log is the last grade of the first marking period. I will be accepting late work until Thursday morning, so hand in any of those scale sheets, practice logs, etc that you might still have!

We have now played through all of Modest March and Kleine Kanon! It is a good idea to remind yourself of the "road map" for these pieces at home, remembering the difference between D.C. al Coda and D.S. al Coda.
Sixth grade: when you're practicing, are you sitting in a 3? A 2? Don't practice sitting in a 1!