Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chamber Strings - 1st Rehearsal

*Chamber Strings*

Congratulations on your successful audition! Here’s a little information about Chamber Strings that you should know:

Chamber Strings rehearses every Monday during Activity Period (3:30-4:05pm).

Be in your seat no later than 3:35pm! I will have an electronic tuner available. Come early so that you can learn how to use it yourself! If you need help tuning, allow enough time to get to the orchestra room, (ask me or a willing 8th grade student) to tune you, and still be in your seat by 3:30pm.

You must attend every rehearsal! If you need to miss a rehearsal, speak to me before you miss so that we can arrange for you to play for me.

This year, Chamber Strings is comprised of 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade students. Chamber Strings is an extracurricular activity, so it is important that you remain in good standing in regular orchestra.

This means you must still attend lessons regularly and continue to maintain a high level of mastery on your orchestra music.

Chamber Strings will perform on a variety of concert programs this year. All musicians are necessary for a successful concert, so mark your calendars with the following dates:

February 10, 2010 Select Concert @ FMS 7:30pm

February 25, 2010 Young People’s Concert @ GHS 12:15pm

June 9, 2010 Dessert Concert @ FMS 7:30pm

    We may also perform for the community in other small venues.

I look forward to having fun and making music with you this year!

The following students attended the first Chamber Strings rehearsal yesterday:

Gloria Zhao
Katie Gonick
Arianna Barnum
Bill Dong
William Wang
Erin Templeton
Marko Crnkovic
Catherine Rafferty
Andrea Long
Naila Brown
Cody Ingraham

Sports and doctor/teacher appointments kept Joe, Ali, Rachel, and Emma from being with us, but we hope to see them soon! We're sorry we missed Michelle, Katie and Sydney.

At rehearsal, we read up to measure 18 in Adirondack Sleighride, and will prepare up to measure 30 for next time. Most of our time was spent working on Winter from Vivaldi's 4 Seasons. This piece is slower than you might think, and it is well-suited for practice with a metronome. Don't spend time practicing Entrance to the Queen of Sheba. I have some other selections in store.